Comprehensive Training. Superior Results.

Coach Brian in Action

“I don't know any other way to lead but by example.”

-Don Shula-

Coach Brian actually started coaching in high school.  As Brian stated, "Iwas the starting goalie for our high school hockey team and I enjoyed the position so much that I wanted to do something to help the younger and a few older goalies in Minot, North Dakota." 

That passion for the position and the game only grew with his experience.  Nicknamed "Hardcore Hollywood" by teammates because of his "Rudy" like tenacity, work ethic and never give up attitude, Brian competed in the USHL and AWHL in Juniors.  He played NCAA Division 1 hockey at the University of Nebraska at Omaha in the CCHA.  Brian also played pro hockey in the UHL before beginning his professional training career. Have a look at some of the pictures of Coach Brian in action.  To learn more about Brian, click here.

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